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Resource Utilities

Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Utilities API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 1


A non-visible component that loads string resources from a file.



Get String Content By Name

⚠ Deprecated

Returns: Text

This block is deprecated and will be removed soon. Use instead 'Get String From Asset' or 'Get String From Path'.

resource Name Text
if Resource Not Found Use Text

Get String From Asset

Returns: Text

Get the text from a asset resource file. Make sure you uploaded a file at 'Resource File From Asset' property.

resource Name Text
if Resource Not Found Use Text

Get String From Path

Returns: Text

Get the text from a path resource file. Make sure you added a file path at 'Resource File From Path' property. The path can be too a link to a url.

resource Name Text
if Resource Not Found Use Text


Resource File From Asset

Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the file which is used as resource file. The file must be stored in the assets folder.

Resource File From Path

Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the file which is used as resource file. The file path must be valid to any file you want to use. The path can be too a link to a url.