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Package Utilities

Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Utilities API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 3


A non-visible component that retrieves information about other applications on the device.


App Name From

Returns: Text

Returns the name from the given package name.

package Name Text

Get Package Icon

Returns: Text

Try to show the application icon of the given package name. If the application cannot be found, "Package not found" is the output.

package Name Text

Is Package Installed

Returns: Boolean

Returns true if a package (app) is installed and enabled.

package Name Text

Is Permission Granted

Returns: Boolean

Check whether a particular package has been granted a particular permission.

permission Name Text
package Name Text

Version Code From

Returns: Number

This block will returns the version code of the package name. Returns '-1' if the package is not installed.

package Name Text

Version Name From

Returns: Text

This block will returns the version name of the package name. Returns 'Package not found' if the package is not installed.

package Name Text


App Name

Text ➖ Read - Blocks

Returns the name from the current running app.

Package Name

Text ➖ Read - Blocks

Returns the package name from the current running app.

Version Code

Number ➖ Read - Blocks

This block will returns the version code of the current running app.

Version Name

Text ➖ Read - Blocks

This block will returns the version name of the current running app.