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Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Utilities API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 1


A non-visible component that modifies other components'' padding, margins, and other visual properties.


Set Margin

Margin is a way for a component to enforce some distance from others components. By specifying margin for a component, we say that keep this much distance from this component.

component Component
values Text

Set Padding

The padding around the component. Padding is the space inside the border, between the border and the actual component content. Use single number like 5 to specify padding for top, left, bottom, righ. You can also use 4 different numbers like 5,0,10,0 for top, left, bottom right.

component Component
values Text

Set Shape

This block allows you to create a rectangle or round shape for the visible component. You can use Color for backgroundColor and borderColor.

component Component
background Color Number
border Color Number
is Round Boolean