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Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Utilities API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 2


A non-visible component that encrypts and decrypts data using a variety of techniques.


AES-128 Decode

Returns: Text

Decodes the given hash using the given key through AES-128. If any exception occurs, returns empty string.

AES-128 Hash Text

AES-128 Encode

Returns: Text

Encodes the given string using the given key through AES-128. If any exception occurs, returns empty string.

input Text Text

AES-256 Decode

Returns: Text

Decodes the given hash using the given key through AES-256. If there are any exceptions, returns empty string

AES-256 Hash Text

AES-256 Encode

Returns: Text

Encodes the given string using the given key through AES-256. If there are any exceptions, returns empty string

input Text Text

Base64 Decode

Returns: Text

Decodes the given hash using Base64

base64 Hash Text

Base64 Encode

Returns: Text

Encodes the given string using Base64

input Text Text

BCrypt Create Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hash using BCrypt

input Text Text
salt Text

BCrypt Generate Salt

Returns: Text

Generates a salt usable for hashing with BCrypt

BCrypt Validate Password

Returns: Boolean

Verifies if the input password is the same one as the correct hashed password using BCrypt algorithm

input Text Text
correct Hash Text

Enigma Parser

Returns: Text

Encrypts or decrypts the given string simulating an Enigma machine. Rotors can go from 1 to 8, but they cannot be repeated. Reflector can be B, C or 0 if none. Plugboard is a list with sub-list of two items containing a character each one, which replace the first character with the second one.

input Text Text
rotor 1 Number
rotor 2 Number
rotor 3 Number
reflector Text
plugboard List

Generate AES 128 Key

Returns: Text

Generates a secure random AES 128 key

Generate AES 256 Key

Returns: Text

Generates a secure random AES 256 key

MD5 Create Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a MD5 hash

input Text Text

PBKDF2 Create Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hash using PBKDF2

input Text Text

PBKDF2 Validate Hash

Returns: Boolean

Verifies if the input password is the same one as the correct hashed password using PBKDF2 algorithm

input Text Text
correct Hash Text

SHA-1 Generate Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hashed SHA-1 string

input Text Text

SHA-224 Generate Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hashed SHA-224 string

input Text Text

SHA-256 Generate Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hashed SHA-256 string

input Text Text

SHA-384 Generate Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hashed SHA-384 string

input Text Text

SHA-512 Generate Hash

Returns: Text

Generates a hashed SHA-512 string

input Text Text

TripleDES Decode

Returns: Text

Decodes the given hash using the given key through TripleDES

tripleDES Hash Text

TripleDES Encode

Returns: Text

Encodes the given string using the given key through TripleDES

input Text Text


AES-128 Key

Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the AES-128 Key

AES-256 Key

Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the AES-256 Key

BCrypt Salt Size

Number Default: 10 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the BCrypt Salt Size

PBKDF2 Hash Byte Size

Number Default: 18 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the PBKDF2 Hash Byte Size

PBKDF2 Iterations Number

Number Default: 64000 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the PBKDF2 number of Iterations

PBKDF2 Salt Byte Size

Number Default: 24 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the PBKDF2 Salt Byte Size

TripleDES Key

Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the TripleDES Key