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Radio Button

Category Requires Version
User Interface API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 2


A visible component that lets the user toggle between two states — checked and unchecked. Only one Radio Button in a group of Radio Buttons can be checked at any given time.



Event invoked when the radio button state has been changed.

checked Boolean



Change the checked state of the view to the inverse of its current state



Boolean Default: False ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Set the radio button to checked or unchecked


Boolean Default: True ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

If set, user can touch the radio button.

Font Bold

Boolean Default: False ➖ Write - Designer

Property for FontBold

Font Italic

Boolean Default: False ➖ Write - Designer

Property for FontItalic

Font Size

Number Default: 14.0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The text size of the radio button.

Font Typeface

Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

Property for FontTypeface

Font Typeface Import

Available as Advanced Property

Text ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Set a custom font.


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height, measured in pixels.

Height Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height as a percentageof the height of its parent Component.

is Checked

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Returns true if the radio button is checked, else false.

Radio Button Color

Color Default: #000000FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Change the radio button component color.


Text Default: Radio Button Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set here the radio button text.

Text Color

Color Default: #000000FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the text color for the radio button.


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns true iff the component is visible.


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width, measured in pixels.

Width Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width as a percentageof the Width of its parent Component.