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Category Requires Version
User Interface API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 13


Button with the ability to detect clicks. Many aspects of its appearance can be changed, as well as whether it is clickable (Enabled), can be changed in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor.




User tapped and released the button.


Got Focus

Indicates the cursor moved over the button so it is now possible to click it.

whenButton.Got Focusdo

Long Click

User held the button down.

whenButton.Long Clickdo

Lost Focus

Indicates the cursor moved away from the button so it is now no longer possible to click it.

whenButton.Lost Focusdo

Touch Down

Indicates that the button was pressed down.

whenButton.Touch Downdo

Touch Up

Indicates that a button has been released.

whenButton.Touch Updo


Button Click

Perform a button click as function.

callButton.Button Click

Set Animation Style

Allows you to set animation style. Valid (case-insensitive) values are: ChasingDots, Circle, CubeGrid, DoubleBounce, FadingCircle, FoldingCube, Pulse, RotatingCircle, RotatingPlane, ThreeBounce, WanderingCubes, Wave. If invalid style is used, animation will be removed.Position can be: top, left, right, bottom. Size can be 100.

callButton.Set Animation Stylestylepositionsizecolor
style Text
position Text
size Number
color Number

Set Shadow

Place a blurred shadow of text underneath the text, drawn with the specified x, y, radius, color (e.g. -11, 12, 13, black.

callButton.Set Shadowxyradiuscolor
x Number
y Number
radius Number
color Number

With Icon From Font Awesome

Show an image on the given position near to the button. You can use following words for the position: 'Left', 'Right', 'Top' or 'Bottom'. Use the padding to add space between the icon and text. Use a 'FontAwesome' icon as the button icon without uploading a image resource into your project. You can find the icon code here at Use as example for a heart icon just 'f004' or ''

callButton.With Icon From Font Awesomepositionicon Nameicon Colorpaddingsize
position Text
icon Name Text
icon Color Number
padding Number
size Number

With Icon From Material Font

Show an image on the given position near to the button. You can use following words for the position: 'Left', 'Right', 'Top' or 'Bottom'. Use the padding to add space between the icon and text. Use a 'Material' icon as the button icon without uploading a image resource into your project. You can find the icon name here at

callButton.With Icon From Material Fontpositionicon Nameicon Colorpaddingsize
position Text
icon Name Text
icon Color Number
padding Number
size Number

With Icon From Picture

Show an image on the given position near to the button. You can use following words for the position: 'Left', 'Right', 'Top' or 'Bottom'. Use the padding to add space between the icon and text.

callButton.With Icon From Picturepositionpicturepaddingwidthheight
position Text
picture Text
padding Number
width Number
height Number


Background Color

Color Default: #444444FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns the button's background color

Button.Background Color
setButton.Background Color to 

Border Shadow

Available as Advanced Property

Boolean Default: True ➖ Write - Designer

Returns true if the button have a outside border shadow on click.


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If set, user can tap check box to cause action.

setButton.Enabled to 

Font Bold

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If set, button text is displayed in bold.

Button.Font Bold
setButton.Font Bold to 

Font Italic

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If set, button text is displayed in italics.

Button.Font Italic
setButton.Font Italic to 

Font Size

Number Default: 14.0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Point size for button text.

Button.Font Size
setButton.Font Size to 

Font Typeface

Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

Font family for button text.

Font Typeface Import

Available as Advanced Property

Text ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Set a custom font.

setButton.Font Typeface Import to 


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height, measured in pixels.

setButton.Height to 

Height Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height as a percentageof the height of its parent Component.

setButton.Height Percent to 

HTML Format

Available as Advanced Property

Boolean Default: False ➖ Write - Designer

If true, then this button will show html text else it will show plain text. Note: Not all HTML is supported.


Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Image to display on button.

setButton.Image to 

Rotation Angle

Available as Advanced Property

Number Default: 0.0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Sets the degrees that the button is rotated around the pivot point. Increasing values result in clockwise rotation.

Button.Rotation Angle
setButton.Rotation Angle to 


Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

Specifies the button's shape (default, rounded, rectangular, oval). The shape will not be visible if an Image is being displayed.

Show Feedback

Available as Advanced Property

Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Specifies if a visual feedback should be shown for a button that as an image as background.

Button.Show Feedback
setButton.Show Feedback to 


Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Text to display on button.

setButton.Text to 

Text Alignment

Number Default: 1 ➖ Write - Designer

Left, center, or right.

Text Color

Color Default: #FFFFFFFF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Color for button text.

Button.Text Color
setButton.Text Color to 

Touch Color

Available as Advanced Property

Color Default: #CCCCCCFF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the buttons touch color.

Button.Touch Color
setButton.Touch Color to 


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns true iff the component is visible.

setButton.Visible to 


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width, measured in pixels.

setButton.Width to 

Width Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width as a percentageof the Width of its parent Component.

setButton.Width Percent to