Non-Visible componentCategory | Requires | Version |
Storage | API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop | 2 |
A non-visible component that accesses the application''s SQLite database.
Component credits: Carlos Pedroza
After Execution¶
Event handler after the SQL statement is executed, returns whether the execution was succesful.
Params | |
was Executed | Boolean |
After Query¶
Event handler after the RawQuery or Query is executed and returns a list with the selected data and number of records.
Params | |
result | List |
number Of Records | Number |
Error Occurred¶
Event handler when an error ocurred, returns a string with a message from the error.
Params | |
message | Text |
Clear Database¶
Clears the database to version 1. Use only while developing, this shouldn't be use on production.
Returns: Number
Executes pre-compiled DELETE statement with specified parameters. Parameters: 1) String table - Name of the table. 2) String whereClause - Optional WHERE clause to apply when deleting (Example: 'ID = ?'), pasing an empty a string will delete all rows. 3) List whereArgs - List with arguments for the WHERE clause. These arguments will be replaced by '?' in the whereClause. Returns the number of rows affected if a whereClause is passed in, 0 otherwise.
Params | |
table | Text |
where Clause | Text |
where Args | List |
Display Tables¶
Returns: List
Used to retrieve list of existing tables from the database
Drop Table¶
Returns: List
Used to drop / delete table from database. Please note that this event will DELETE any data you may have on the table and will then delete table from the database. After this operation is completed, it cannot be undone!
Params | |
table Nme | Text |
Get Path¶
Returns: Text
Returns the path to the database
Returns: Number
Executes pre-compiled INSERT statement with specified parameters. Parameters: 1) String table - Name of the table. 2) YailList columns - List with the columns that will contain the data to be inserted in the database. 3) YailList values - List with the data to be inserted in the database. Returns the row ID of the newly inserted row, or -1 if an error occurred.
Params | |
table | Text |
columns | List |
values | List |
Multiple SQL¶
Execute Multiple SQL Statement asynchronously and returns whether the transaction was successful in the AfterExecution Event Handler. Use it when returned data isn't needed. Parameter: 1 ) List of SQL.
Params | |
list | List |
Executes pre-compiled QUERY statement with specified parameters. Parameters: 1) String table: Name of the table. 2) YailList columns: List of which columns to return, passing an empty list will return all columns. 3) String selection: Filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause, passing an empty string will return all rows. 4) YailList selectionArgs: List with the arguments that will replace onto '?' in the selection filter. 5) String groupBy: A filter declaring how to group rows, formatted as an SQL GROUP BY clause (excluding the GROUP BY itself), passing an empty string will cause the row to not be grouped. 6) String having: A filter declare which row groups to include if row grouping is being used, passing an empty string will cause all row groups to be included. 7) String orderBy: How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause (excluding the ORDER BY itself), passing an empty string will use the default sort order (unordered). 8) String limit: Limits the number of rows returned by the query, formatted as LIMIT clause, passing an empty string denotes no LIMIT clause. The result query is available in the AfterQuery event handler
Params | |
table | Text |
columns | List |
selection | Text |
selection Args | List |
group By | Text |
having | Text |
order By | Text |
limit | Text |
Raw Query¶
Executes the provided rawQuery Statement asynchronously. Returns a YailList with the selected data and number of records in the AfterQuery Event. Parameter: 1) String sql. 2) YailList selectionArgs: List with the arguments that will replace '?' in where clause in the query, to prevent SQL injections
Params | |
sql | Text |
selection Args | List |
Returns: Number
Executes pre-compiled REPLACE OR INSERT INTO statement with specified parameters. Parameters: 1) String table - Name of the table. 2) YailList columns - List with the columns that will contain the data to be replaced in the database. 3) YailList values - List with the data to be replaced in the database. Returns the row ID of the newly replaced row, or -1 if an error occurred.
Params | |
table | Text |
columns | List |
values | List |
Single SQL¶
Execute a Single SQL Statement asynchronously and returns whether the transaction was successful in the AfterExecution Event Handler. Use it when returned data isn't needed. Parameter: 1) String sql.
Params | |
sql | Text |
SQL Query¶
Returns: List
Used to run any valid SQLite query and return results in same block.
Params | |
query | Text |
Returns: Number
Executes pre-compiled UPDATE statement with specified parameters. Parameters: 1) String table - Name of the table. 2) YailList columns - List with the columns that will contain the data to be inserted in the database. 3) YailList values - List with the data to be inserted in the database. 4) String whereClause - optional WHERE clause to apply when updating, leave an empty string to update all rows. Include ?s, which will be updated by the values from whereArgs. 5) YailList whereArgs - List with the columns that will contain the data to be updated in the database. Returns the row ID of the newly inserted row, or -1 if an error occurred.
Params | |
table | Text |
columns | List |
values | List |
where Clause | Text |
where Args | List |
Return Header¶
Boolean Default: false Read Write - Designer Blocks
Returns whether the header row should be returned in the result of a Select statement.
Rows Affected¶
Number Read - Blocks
Returns the number of rows affected after a raw SQL has been executed using SQL Query.
Suppress Toast¶
Boolean Default: false Read Write - Designer Blocks
Returns whether Success Toast should be suppressed.