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Email Picker

Category Requires Version
Social API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 6


An EmailPicker is a kind of text box. If the user begins entering the name or email address of a contact, the phone will show a dropdown menu of choices that complete the entry. If there are many contacts, the dropdown can take several seconds to appear, and can show intermediate results while the matches are being computed.

The initial contents of the text box and the contents< after user entry is in the Text property. If the Text property is initially empty, the contents of the Hint property will be faintly shown in the text box as a hint to the user.

Other properties affect the appearance of the text box (TextAlignment, BackgroundColor, etc.) and whether it can be used (Enabled).

Text boxes like this are usually used with Button components, with the user clicking on the button when text entry is complete.



Got Focus

Event raised when this component is selected for input, such as bythe user touching it.

Lost Focus

Event raised when this component is no longer selected for input, suchas if the user touches a different text box.

On Text Changed

Event to detect text changes.


Request Focus

Sets the textbox active.

Set Animation Style

Allows you to set animation style. Valid (case-insensitive) values are: ChasingDots, Circle, CubeGrid, DoubleBounce, FadingCircle, FoldingCube, Pulse, RotatingCircle, RotatingPlane, ThreeBounce, WanderingCubes, Wave. If invalid style is used, animation will be removed.Position can be: top, left, right, bottom. Size can be 100.

style Text
position Text
size Number
color Number

Set Cursor At

Set the cursor to the given position.

position Number

Set Cursor At End

Set the cursor to the end of the text.

Set Shadow

Place a blurred shadow of text underneath the text, drawn with the specified x, y, radius, color (e.g. -11, 12, 13, black

x Number
y Number
radius Number
color Number


Background Color

Color Default: #00000000  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The background color of the input box. You can choose a color by name in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. The default background color is 'default' (shaded 3-D look).

Current Position

Number ➖ Read - Blocks

Get the current cursor position.

Cursor Color

Available as Advanced Property

Color Default: #000000FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The color of the cursor.

Cursor Visible

Available as Advanced Property

Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Makes the cursor visible (the default) or invisible.

Enable Copy & Paste

⚠ Deprecated

Boolean ➖ Read Write - Blocks

DEPRECATED since this feature is not working. Use 'Enabled' instead.


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether the user can enter text into this input box. By default, this is true.

Font Bold

Boolean Default: False ➖ Write - Designer

Whether the font for the text should be bold. By default, it is not.

Font Italic

Boolean Default: False ➖ Write - Designer

Whether the text should appear in italics. By default, it does not.

Font Size

Number Default: 14.0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The font size for the text. By default, it is 14.0 points.

Font Typeface

Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

The font for the text. The value can be changed in the Designer.

Font Typeface Import

Available as Advanced Property

Text ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Set a custom font.


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height, measured in pixels.

Height Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height as a percentageof the height of its parent Component.


Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Text that should appear faintly in the input box to provide a hint as to what the user should enter. This can only be seen if the Text property is empty.

Hint Color

Color Default: #000000FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set a custom hint text color.

Line Color

⚠ Deprecated

Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Please delete this block from your project.This block is deprecated and not longer supported.

Rotation Angle

Available as Advanced Property

Number Default: 0.0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Sets the degrees that the textbox is rotated around the pivot point. Increasing values result in clockwise rotation.


Text ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns the textbox contents.

Text Alignment

Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

Whether the text should be left justified, centered, or right justified. By default, text is left justified.

Text Color

Color Default: #000000FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The color for the text. You can choose a color by name in the Designer or in the Blocks Editor. The default text color is black.

Text Length

Number ➖ Read - Blocks

Returns the current text length as number.


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns true iff the component is visible.


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width, measured in pixels.

Width Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width as a percentageof the Width of its parent Component.