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StartApp Interstitial

Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Monetization > Advertising API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 1


A non-visible component that shows StartApp ads as full-screen advertisements.



Type: Fixed Rate Value: 8%


Ad Clicked

Indicates that the user has clicked on the interstial ad

Ad Displayed

Indicates that an Ad is shown to the user.

Ad Failed To Load

Called when an ad request failed to load. The message will display the error code and error message.

error Code Number
error Message Text

Ad Failed To Show

Called when an an attempt was made to display the ad, but the ad was not ready to display.

error Message Text

Ad Hidden

Indicates that an Ad which was shown to the user is now hidden.

On Failed To Receive Ad

Called when an ad request failed to load.

error Message Text

On Receive Ad

Called when an ad request failed to load. The message will display the error code and error message.


Load Ad

Load a new StartApp Interstitial ad.

Show Interstitial Ad

It will show the Interstitial Ad


App ID

Text ➖ Write - Designer

Property for AppId