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AppLovin Interstitial

Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Monetization > Advertising API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 1


A non-visible component to show ads from AppLovin.



Type: Fixed Rate Value: 8%


Ad Closed

Called when an ad was closed.

Ad Failed To Load

Called when an ad request failed to load. The message will display the error code and error message.

error Code Number
error Message Text

Ad Loaded

Called when an ad is received.

Ad Opened

Called when an ad was opened.

Ad Started

Called when an ad was started.


Called when an ad request failed. The message will display the reason for why the ad failed.

error Code Number
error Message Text


Is European User

Returns: Boolean

Returns true if the current app user is located in europe. If true you must ask the user as example in a dialog if he give his consent for personalized ads.

Load Ad

Loads a new ad.

Show Ad

Shows an ad to the user.



Text ➖ Write - Designer

Property for SdkKey

Test Mode

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If you want to test the component then that this property to true. Then you will receive test ads.

Boolean ➖ Read Write - Blocks

If set to true the user allowed the ad network to show personalized ads. You only need to request the consent from european users.