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Amazon Banner

Category Requires Version
Monetization > Advertising API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 1


AdAmazon component allows you to monetize your app. You must have a valid publisher id that can be obtained from If your publisher id is invalid, the AdAmazon banner will not display on the emulator or the device.



Type: Fixed Rate Value: 6%


Ad Dismissed

Event to detect that a ad was dismissed.

Ad Expanded

Event to detect that a ad was expanded.

Ad Failed To Load

Event to detect that the try to load a ad was not successful.

error Code Text
error Message Text

Ad Loaded

Event to detect that a ad was loaded.


Publisher ID

Text Default: AmazonPublisherId ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Sets the Amazon Ad Publisher Id and refreshes the ad.

Refresh Ad

Boolean Default: True ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Refreshes the ad.

Test Mode

Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Turns the debugging on / off based on enabled parameter.


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns true iff the component is visible.