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Speech Recognizer

Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Media API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 3


A non-visible component that converts spoken words to text using voice recognition.



After Getting Text

Simple event to raise after the VoiceReco activity has returned Partial is 'false' when SpeechRecognizer stops automatically after listening,else it is 'true' if SpeechRecognizer returns partial results.

result Text
partial Boolean

Before Getting Text

Simple event to raise when VoiceReco is invoked but before the VoiceRecoactivity is started.


Get Text

Solicits speech input from the user. After the speech is converted totext, the AfterGettingText event will be raised.


Function used to forcefully stop listening speech in cases whereSpeechRecognizer cannot stop automatically This function works only when UseLegacy property is set to 'false'.



Text ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Suggests the language to use for recognizing speech. An empty string (the default) willuse the system's default language
Language is specified using a language tag with an optional region suffix, such as en or es-MX. The set of supported languages will vary by device.


Text ➖ Read - Blocks

Result property getter method.

Use Legacy

Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If true, an app can retain their older behaviour.