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Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
Media API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 5


A non-visible component that reads text from images using Optical Character Recognition technology.



Got Response

You will find here the success state and the response content.

success Boolean
response Content Text

Got Server Status

You will find here the server status from the ocr provider. Possible results are 'UP' or 'DOWN'. 'pro Usa1' = Usa, East Coast. 'pro Usa2' = Usa, West Coast.

free Text
pro USA 1 Text
pro USA 2 Text
pro Europe Text
pro Asia Text


Get OCR Server Status

Get the server status from the free server. This is helpful if you want to know if the server is online or offline. Returns true when online, else false when offline.

Get Text From Image Url

Get the text from a picture via the image url. Example: http://name/yourimage.jpg. Service powered by

image URL Text

Upload Image

Upload your image to the server from and then you get back the text from the picture.

path Text



Text Default: helloworld ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

You can use the default api key: helloworld, or you can create your own api key at:

Create Searchable PDF

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

A searchable PDF file is a PDF file that includes text that can be searched upon using the standard Adobe Reader “search” functionality. In addition, the text can be selected and copied from the PDF. In this case the JSON response of the API contains a download link for the the searchable PDF. This download link is valid for one hour, than all data is removed from the OCR servers.


Text Default: 1 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Choose the language used for OCR. If no language is specified, English is taken as 'Default'.


Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Allows you to specify if the image/pdf text overlay is required. Overlay could be used to show the text over the image.

Return Only Message

Boolean ➖ Write - Blocks

Set this block before you upload a image and before you try to get the response from a image url. If this property is set to true, the response content returns only the message. That means the response content will be only the scanned text in words.

Boolean ➖ Write - Blocks

Set this block before you upload a image and before you try to get the response from a image url. If this property is set to true, the response content returns only the created pdf download link.

Test Image URL

Text ➖ Read - Blocks

You can use the test image url if you have not any picture online on a server or else.