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EV3 Motors

Non-Visible component
Category Requires Version
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® > EV3 API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 1


A component that provides both high- and low-level interfaces to a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robot, with functions that can control the motors.


Tacho Count Changed

Called when the tacho count has changed.

tacho Count Number


Get Tacho Count

Returns: Number

Get the current tacho count.

Reset Tacho Count

Set the current tacho count to zero.

Rotate In Distance

Rotate the motors in a distance.

power Number
distance Number
use Brake Boolean

Rotate In Duration

Rotate the motors in a period of time.

power Number
milliseconds Number
use Brake Boolean

Rotate In Tacho Counts

Rotate the motors in a number of tacho counts.

power Number
tacho Counts Number
use Brake Boolean

Rotate Indefinitely

Start to rotate the motors.

power Number

Rotate Sync In Distance

Rotate the motors at the same speed for a distance in cm.

power Number
distance Number
turn Ratio Number
use Brake Boolean

Rotate Sync In Duration

Rotate the motors at the same speed in a period of time.

power Number
milliseconds Number
turn Ratio Number
use Brake Boolean

Rotate Sync In Tacho Counts

Rotate the motors at the same speed in a number of tacho counts.

power Number
tacho Counts Number
turn Ratio Number
use Brake Boolean

Rotate Sync Indefinitely

Start to rotate the motors at the same speed.

power Number
turn Ratio Number


Stop the motors of the robot.

use Brake Boolean

Toggle Direction

Toggle the direction of motors.


Bluetooth Client

Component ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The BluetoothClient component that should be used for communication.

Enable Speed Regulation

Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Specifies whether to keep motor rotation at constant speed.

Motor Ports

Text Default: ABC ➖ Write - Designer

The motor ports that the motors are connected to. The ports are specified by a sequence of port letters.

Reverse Direction

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set whether the direction of motors is reversed or not.

Stop Before Disconnect

Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether to stop the motor before disconnecting.

Tacho Count Changed Event Enabled

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether the TachoCountChanged event should fire when the angle is changed.

Wheel Diameter

Number Default: 4.32 ➖ Write - Designer

Specifies the diameter of the wheels attached on motors.