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List View Image and Text

Category Requires Version
Layout > Lists API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 4


A visible component that displays a list of elements consisting of an image and two labels.




Triggers when the user clicks on a item in the list

position Number
title Text
subtitle Text
image Text

Long Click

Triggers when the user long clicks on a item in the list

position Number
title Text
subtitle Text
image Text


Add Item

Add a item to the list

image Text
title Text
subtitle Text

Add Item From List

Add a item to the list

list List

Clear List

Remove all the items from the list

Remove Item

Remove a item from the list

position Number

Update Item

Update a item of the list

position Number
image Text
title Text
subtitle Text


Background Color

Color Default: #FFFFFF00  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the background color of the listview

Divider Color

Available as Advanced Property

Color Default: #CCCCCCFF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the divider color of the listview


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Determines the height of the list on the view.

Height Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height as a percentageof the height of its parent Component.

Image Side

Number Default: 1 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set the side of the image
Set it to 1 for Left side and 2 for Right side

Item Size

Number Default: 1 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Set ListItem Size
Set it to 1 for Normal size, 2 for Small size and 3 for Big size.

Subtitle Bold

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether the subtitle should be in bold text

Subtitle Color

Color Default: #757575FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Changed the color of the subtitle text

Subtitle Font Typeface

Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

Change the Typeface of the Subtitle

Subtitle Font Typeface Import

Available as Advanced Property

Text ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Set a custom title font.

Subtitle HTML

Available as Advanced Property

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If true, then the subtitle will show html text else it will show plain text. Note: Not all HTML is supported.

Subtitle Italic

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether the subtitle should be in italic text

Subtitle Text Size

Number Default: 14 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The text size of the subtitle.

Title Bold

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether the title should be in bold text

Title Color

Color Default: #212121FF  ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Changed the color of the title text

Title Font Typeface

Number Default: 0 ➖ Write - Designer

Change the Typeface of the Title

Title Font Typeface Import

Available as Advanced Property

Text ➖ Write - Designer Blocks

Set a custom title font.

Title HTML

Available as Advanced Property

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

If true, then the title will show html text else it will show plain text. Note: Not all HTML is supported.

Title Italic

Boolean Default: False ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Whether the title should be in italic text

Title Text Size

Number Default: 14 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

The text size of the title.


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns true iff the component is visible.


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Determines the width of the list on the view.

Width Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width as a percentageof the Width of its parent Component.