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Google Maps

Category Requires Version
Google API 21, Android 5.0 Lollipop 5


A visible component that shows a map on the screen powered by Google''s Maps service.



Camera Position Changed

Called after the camera position of a map has changed.

lat Number
lng Number
bearing Number
tilt Number
zoom Number

Finished Dragging Circle

Event been raised after the action of moving a draggable circle is finished. Possible a user drag the center of the circle or drag the radius marker of the circle

id Number
center Lat Number
center Lng Number
radius Number

Info Window Clicked

When the marker's infowindow is clicked, returning marker's id

marker Id Number

Map Is Ready

Indicates that the map has been rendered and ready for adding markers or changing other settings. Please add or updating markers within this event

On Location Changed

Triggers this event when user location has changed. Only works when EnableMylocation is set to true

lat Number
lng Number

On Map Click

Called when the user makes a tap gesture on the map

lat Number
lng Number

On Map Long Click

Called when the user makes a long-press gesture on the map

lat Number
lng Number

On Marker Click

When a marker is clicked

marker Id Number
latitude Number
longitude Number

On Marker Drag

When a marker is been dragged

marker Id Number
latitude Number
longitude Number

On Marker Drag End

When the user drags a marker and finish the action, returning marker's id and it's latest position

marker Id Number
latitude Number
longitude Number

On Marker Drag Start

When a marker starts been dragged

marker Id Number
latitude Number
longitude Number

On Point Of Interest Click

This event will be invoked when a user clicks on a point of interest. This can be a shop, coffee-bar or else.

lat Number
lng Number
place Name Text
place ID Text


Add Circle

Returns: Number

Create a circle overlay on the map UI with specified latitude and longitude for center. "hue" (min 0, max 360) and "alpha" (min 0, max 255) are used to set color and transparency level of the circle, "strokeWidth" and "strokeColor" are for the perimeter of the circle. Returning a unique id of the circle for future reference to events raised by moving this circle. If the circle isset to be draggable, two default markers will appear on the map: one in the center of the circle, another on the perimeter.

lat Number
lng Number
radius Number
alpha Number
hue Number
stroke Width Number
stroke Color Number
draggable Boolean

Add Markers

Returns: List

Adding a list of YailLists for markers. The representation of a maker in the inner YailList is composed of: lat(double) [required], long(double) [required], Color, title(String), snippet(String), draggable(boolean). Return a list of unqiue ids for the added markers. Note that the markers ids are not meant to persist after the app is closed, but for temporary references to the markers within the program only. Return an empty list if any error happen in the input

markers List

Add Markers From Json

Adding a list of markers that are represented as JsonArray. The inner JsonObject represents a markerand is composed of name-value pairs. Name fields for a marker are: "lat" (type double) [required], "lng"(type double) [required], "color"(type int)[in hue value ranging from 0~360], "title"(type String), "snippet"(type String), "draggable"(type boolean)

json String Text

Add Markers Hue

Returns: List

Adding a list of YailList for markers. The inner YailList represents a marker and is composed of lat(Double) [required], long(Double) [required], color(int)[in hue value ranging from 0-360], title(String), snippet(String), draggable(boolean). Return a list of unique ids for the markers that are added

markers List

Add Overlay

Add overlay.

Add Polygon

A Polygon is an enclosed shape that can be used to mark areas on the map.

lat Min Number
lat Max Number
lon Min Number
lon Max Number

Add Polyline

Returns: Number

This block will return the unique id of the new added polyline. Create a new polyline on the map. Use for 'points' a list of lat, lng pairs. A integer for the 'width' (in pixel) and a valid color for the 'color' parameter.

points List
width Number
color Number

Add Tile Overlay

Add title overlay.

Bound Camera

Transforms the camera such that the specified latitude/longitude bounds are centered on screen at the greatest possible zoom level. Need to specify both latitudes and longitudes for both northeast location and southwest location of the bounding box

ne Lat Number
ne Lng Number
sw Lat Number
sw Lng Number

Clear All Polygons

Clear all Polygons.

Draw Central Square

Draw central square.

Enable Compass

Enables/disables the compass widget on the map's ui. Call this only after event "MapIsReady" is received

enable Boolean

Enable Map Camera Pos Change Listener

Enable/Disable to listen to map's camera position changed event

enabled Boolean

Enable Map Click Listener

Enable/Disable to listen to map's click event

enabled Boolean

Enable Map Long Click Listener

Enable/disable to listen to map's long click event

enabled Boolean

Enable My Location

Enable or disable my location widget control for Google Map. One can call GetMyLocation() to obtain the current location after enable this."

enabled Boolean

Enable Rotate

Enables/disables the capability to rotate a map on the ui. Call this only after the event "MapIsReady" is received.

enable Boolean

Enable Scroll

Enables/disables the capability to scroll a map on the ui. Call this only after the event "MapIsReady" is received

enable Boolean

Enable Zoom Control

Enables/disables the zoom widget on the map's ui. Call this only after the event "MapIsReady" is received

enable Boolean

Enable Zoom Gesture

Enables/disables zoom gesture on the map ui. Call this only after the event "MapIsReady" is received.

enable Boolean

Get All Circle IDs

Returns: List

Get all circles Ids. A short cut to get all the references for the eixisting circles

Get All Marker IDs

Returns: List

Get all the existing markers's Ids

Get All Polyline Ids

Returns: List

This will return a list with all available polyline id's.

Get Bounding Box

Returns: Text

Get bounding box.

latitude In Degrees Number
longitude In Degrees Number
half Side In Km Number

Get Map Center

Returns: Text

Get map center. If a error occures the output will be '-999'.

Get Markers

Returns: List

Add a list of markers composed of name-value pairs. Name fields for a marker are: "lat" (type double) [required], "lng"(type double) [required], "color"(type int)[in hue value ranging from 0~360], "title"(type String), "snippet"(type String), "draggable"(type boolean)

Get My Location

Returns: List

Get current location using Google Map Service. Return a YailList with first item beingthe latitude, the second item being the longitude, and last time being the accuracy of the reading.

Get Points From Json

Returns: List

Convert a JsonArray of points (lat, lng pairs) to a list.

json String Text

Get Zoom Level Info

⚠ Deprecated

Returns: Number

Deprecated block! Don't use this anymore. Use instead 'Camera Zoom Level'.

Move Camera

Move the map's camera to the specified position and zoom level

lat Number
lng Number
zoom Number

Remove Circle

Returns: Boolean

Remove a circle for the map. Returns true if successfully removed, false if the circle does not exist with the specified id

circle Id Number

Remove Marker

Remove a marker from the map

marker Id Number

Remove Polyline

Returns: Boolean

Use this block to remove a polyline from the map. It will return true if it was successful.

polyline Id Number

Set Map Type

Set the layer of Google map. Default layer is "normal", other choices including "hybrid","satellite", and "terrain"

layer Name Text

Update Circle

Set the property of an existing circle. Properties include: "alpha"(number, value ranging from 0~255), "color" (nimber, hue value ranging 0~360), "radius"(number in meters)

circle Id Number
property Name Text
value Any

Update Marker

Set the property of a marker, note that the marker has to be added first or else will throw an exception! Properties include: "color"(hue value ranging from 0~360), "title", "snippet", "draggable"(give either true or false as the value).

marker Id Number
property Name Text
value Any

Update Polyline

Update any polyline with the given id. You can change the property values for 'width' (in pixel), 'color' or 'points (a list of lat, lng pairs).

polyline Id Number
property Name Text
points Any



Text ➖ Write - Designer

Get the API Key

Camera Angle

Number Default: 0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Move the map's camera to the specified tilt, the angle (in degrees) from the nadir (directly facing the Earth). Must be a value between 0.0 and 90.0

Camera Rotation

Number Default: 0 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Move the map's camera to the specified bearing, the direction that the camera is pointing in (in degrees clockwise from north).

Camera Zoom Level

Number Default: 15 ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Move the map's camera to the specified zoom level.

Compass Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates whether the compass widget is currently enabled in the map ui


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height, measured in pixels.

Height Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's vertical height as a percentageof the height of its parent Component.

Map Camera Changed Listener Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates if the map camera's position changed listener is currently enabled

Map Click Listener Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates if the mapClick event listener is currently enabled

Map Long Click Listener Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates if the map longClick listener is currently enabled

Map Type

Text ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates the current map type

My Location Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates whether my locaiton UI control is currently enabled for the Google map.

Rotate Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates whether the capability to rotate a map on the ui is currently enabled

Scroll Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates whether the capability to scroll a map on the ui is currently enabled


Text ➖ Write - Blocks

Sets the style of the map from json. Just use a text field and paste there the json data. Create a custom map style at Set the theme to "standard" to clear the style json.


Text Default: standard ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Sets the theme of the map. The choices are "standard"(default), "silver", "retro", "dark", "night", "aubergine", "vintage", "kodular" and "roads-only".


Boolean Default: True ➖ Read Write - Designer Blocks

Returns true iff the component is visible.


Number ➖ Read Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width, measured in pixels.

Width Percent

Number ➖ Write - Blocks

Specifies the component's horizontal width as a percentageof the Width of its parent Component.

Zoom Control Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates whether the zoom widget on the map ui is currently enabled

Zoom Gesture Enabled

Boolean ➖ Read - Blocks

Indicates whether the zoom gesture is currently enabled